Friday, January 8, 2010

Lily's Quip of the Day

Yesterday at breakfast, Lily sat in her Cinderella outfit, crown and all and ask, "Mom are you so proud of the young lady I am becoming?" My heart melted. I asked where she came up with it, she said Handy Manny. I am so proud of my girls but wow they are growing much too fast.

The Holidays Get Me Every Time

So we emerge, it is 2010. Mid-November to January we get consumed. We become social and go out, we shop, we bake, we church more than normal and we collapse. Every year, I work to ensure stress free holidays and every year there are still a few bumps in the road.

We are so excited for 2010. 2009 had a few bumps and we are hoping to just enjoy the coming year as our children grow into little people.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lily's Quips of the Day

I went to and looked up QUIP - it means a clever or witty remark or comment among other things. If you have ever lived with a child you know that quips are a daily occurrence and they sure can bring a smile to your face.

Lily has been full of quips lately - these are some of my favorites:

"I know what an ultrasound is...its the sound someone makes when they have a baby."

"Mom can you call Kai's mom and ask if I can marry him." And so begins the life of a helicopter parent - really she doesn't have any ideas that boys will have cooties in her world before she will like them. I told her I would make the call when she is done with Medical School.

"Mom you know why you don't poke someone's eye out look I will show you" to which I turned to look at her and she replied "because they'll go blonde" as she shut her eyes.

What fun it is living with kids. I can't till Ally's vocabulary is bigger than banana, mom, dad, lily, elmo and more. I am sure she will bring the same amount of laughs with her own daily quips.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cucumber Burps

Life with a three year old is always amusing. They like to share whatever is on their mind and they don't have the restraint to deem things socially acceptable as we "mature" adults do. Yesterday, I was packing my lunch and Lily ate some sliced cucumber as I was putting stuff in my salad.

A little later we were driving to daycare and Lily informed me she had just had a cucumber burp. I said "oh ewww," and then she said, "No, Mom it was good - I love cucumber burps it is like eating it all over again." Kind of gross logic but I guess it could be worse - I mean people like cucumber - look at the lotion, body spray and hand soap in cucumber we all have. I wonder if it works for chocolate.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Speech Assessment Went Well!

Yesterday was Ally's speech eval and the Speech Therapist was so nice. I feel like we have a dream team of folks that work with her and we are so lucky. Anyways, she passed the eval with flying colors. She will not need Speech Therapy for now which was good news since our 168 hours in a week are feeling pretty stretched right now. Tonight, we are taking Lily and Ally swimming since we didn't get to go this weekend. Hopefully it will wear them out.

The sticker method is still working but last night wasn't quite as smooth as Sunday night. Here's to tonight.

Monday, October 19, 2009

It Worked, It Worked...

The sticker system has been given an A+. For the first time in many nights, Lily slept in her own bed all night. There was no calling after she was put to bed for her nightly bathroom break, her late night "I am so hungry snack" or the infamous "I can't really see well up here." Nevermind the lights were off. She didn't even call out at 1:00 am with the frantic "Mom, Mom, Mom" to which I run in thinking she had a bad dream, has been attacked by a giant bed bug, or has is sick to hear "Lay with me." She slept through the night, all night - woo hoo and this morning she was the proud recipient of a green sticker.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's 9:24pm and I am hiding out

It's 9:24 pm and I am hiding out in Ally's room blogging while she falls asleep. This week she is cutting some teeth so it takes her a little longer to fall asleep. Tonight, she sure surprised me. She walked from her room to the hallway and looked up that the pictures and said "MamaDada" which was wonderful to hear.

Lily started a new discipline system today - we have a 1 -2 - 3 system. One is her first warning, two is her final warning and three means time out or we are leaving depending on if we are at home or away. Similarly, if she does something really great, she gets a sticker and can trade in 10 stickers for an experience - swimming, bowling, skating or 15 if she wants to do something and invite her friend. If she saves her stickers to 20, she will get a new toy. As of day one, the new system is working - let's see how tomorrow goes:)